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£39.95Apple Tree 'Purple Haze'NEW! This dessert apple is very unusual and rivals the best of the crab apples for ornamental interest. It produces beautiful dark pink blossom in the spring and dark red foliage that matures to dark green by late summer. The fruits are purple with bright red flesh and heart shaped white centres. The tree has a naturally columnar habit and will reach a maximum height and spread of 3m (10ft) x 1m (3ft) in 10 years. Ideal for small spaces and containers. The tree is approximately 90-120cm (3-4ft) tall on despatch.Buy Now

£45.90 £39.90
Save: 13% offBest of British Strawberry Plant Collection (24 plants)Collection consists of 12 x 'Malling Centenary' (early) and 12 x 'Elegance' (mid).Buy Now
Save: 13% offBest of British Strawberry Plant Collection (24 plants)Collection consists of 12 x 'Malling Centenary' (early) and 12 x 'Elegance' (mid).Buy Now

£42.95Crataegus persimilis 'Prunifolia' (Hawthorn Tree)Originating from North America, this is one of the best ornamental trees for attracting wildlife to the garden and is renowned for its striking autumn colour. It is a handsome tree with rich-brown bark and long, strong thorns. Clusters of small, white flowers appear in the Spring and these are followed by large crimson-red berries (haws) in the autumn that adorn the branches well into the winter months, providing a feast for wild birds. The glossy, dark-green, broad-oval leaves turn to dramatic shades of red, orange and gold in the autumn. The tree is very undemanding and will grow well in a wide range of challenging conditions including windy, coastal sites and is tolerant of drought. It is very hardy, coping well with very cold winter conditions.Buy Now

£46.95Dwarf Pomegranate Tree 'Nana Gracilissima'This dwarf pomegranate will look very attractive in a large container on a sunny patio or balcony or planted in a mixed border. It is naturally compact with a rounded growth habit and has been grown as a mini-standard with a clear stem and bushy head. It will grow to around 1m (40in) in 4 years. Bright red flowers are borne from June to September. The fruits, although small, are very tasty to eat and can ripen during the late autumn and early winter in the south of the UK after a hot summer. The small copper coloured leaves turn bright green in the summer and then yellow before falling in the autumn. The tree is very hardy (down to -16℃) and is resistant to drought.Buy Now

£29.95Fig Tree 'Violette Dauphine'The Dauphine fig, also known as Grise de Terascon was King Louis XIV's favourite variety and continues to be grown extensively in France. The large, purple-blue fruits are slightly flattened and the flesh is pale pink and very sweet. The tree is fast growing and when conditions are favourable can produce two crops, one in July and the other in October. It has very good cold resistanceBuy Now

£24.95Hardy Kiwi Vine 'Ken's Red'This unique variety was bred in New Zealand by horticulturist Ken Nobbs, who crossed two species of hardy kiwi (Actinidia arguta cordifolia and Actinidia melanandra). The fruits are the size of a gooseberry and are very attractive with smooth, edible purple-red skin and red flesh. Sweeter and more aromatic than the normal kiwi, the fruits are delicious picked straight from the bush. Heavy cropping.Buy Now

£34.95Japanese Plum Tree 'Beauty'This Japanese plum (Prunus salicina) produces huge crops of medium sized purple-red fruits that hang on the branches like cherries! The fruits are sugar-sweet and the red flesh almost explodes with juice in the mouth. The tree blossoms very early in the season so benefits from a sheltered position.Buy Now

£40.95Malus 'Rudolph' (Crab Apple Tree)Named after Santa's famous reindeer because of its magnificent display of large showy rose-red flowers that are up to 5cm in diameter and possibly the largest of any of the crab apple varieties. The foliage emerges after the spring blossom and is initially bronze-red before turning to shades of bronze, purple and green over summer. In the autumn the foliage turns yellow and the tree is covered in small orange-red fruits which decorate the branches well in to winter and can be used to make jelly. The tree is very disease resistant.Buy Now

£42.95Prunus x subhirtella 'Autumnalis Rosea' (Winter Cherry)This is the pink version of the winter flowering cherry tree and can be grown in the smallest of gardens. It boasts a welcome display of semi-double rosy pink flowers that will brighten up the greyest of winter days. The flowers open from dark pink buds and fade slightly to soft pink as they mature, appearing intermittently over a long period from November until March. The blossom is sometimes followed by small, bitter fruits that are loved by the birds. The foliage is bronze in the spring, turning green in the summer and gold in the autumn. Chalk tolerant.Buy Now

£41.95Rugosa Rose Hedging (12 plants)A fast growing, prickly hedge bearing large fragrant magenta flowers in the summer and huge orange-red rose hips in the autumn. The hips can be used to make syrup, wine or jelly. Plant 30-60cm (1-2ft) apart.Buy Now

£22.95 inc. p&pStrawberry Plants 'Rendevous' (12 plants)A very early variety producing very attractive, medium-large, glossy, bright red berries with a wonderful sweet aromatic flavour. Heavy cropping. The plants have good disease resistance when grown outdoors but can be susceptible to powdery mildew if grown under glass.Buy Now

£85.95 inc. p&pYuzu Lemon TreeIf you are a fan of Asian cookery, then the Yuzu Lemon will be well known to you. The rather flat-round fruits are medium sized and are are held on the ends of branches in bunches. The skin is full of oils and is used in many dishes from the Far East. The fruits are far less acidic than normal lemons and the juice is delicious drink. The unusual leaf which is split in two parts is also used in Far Eastern cuisine. The tree is easy to grow in the UK and has a spreading growth habit. The Yuzu Lemon is one of the most expensive fruits to buy in the UK so growing them yourselves makes great sense.Buy Now
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