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Plum, Gage & Damson Trees
Plums, gages and damsons are a wonderful choice of tree to grow in the garden as in favourable conditions they will crop reliably, producing masses of fruit year after year. Our plum trees are grafted onto St. Julien ‘A’ rootstock, which will produce a tree with medium vigour that can be trained into a bush, cordon, pyramid or fan. Bush plum trees will grow 3.6-4.6m (12-15ft) in height and spread. Choose a sunny, sheltered spot. Unless otherwise stated, plums, gages and damsons are supplied as two year old trees and will be 1.2-1.5m (4-5ft) high on despatch (including the roots). If you require one year old maiden trees for training as a pyramid or fan, please advise us when ordering. Trees are available from late November to late April.
Don't forget to include tree stakes and ties. All young fruit trees require staking and for better establishment we strongly advise using Rootgrow when planting (as recommended in RHS planting guidelines).