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Crataegus (Hawthorn Trees)
This large genus of small to medium trees and shrubs is part of the Rosaceae (rose) family and includes a number or cultivated varieties that are grown for their white, pink or red spring blossom, orange-red berries in autumn/winter and autumnal foliage. The trees are very beneficial to wildlife. The blossom is popular with bees and butterflies and the fruits are loved by birds including thrushes and waxwings. Most varieties have thorns which provide a safe haven for nesting birds and other wildlife.
Crataegus are rarely affected by pests and disease and once established do not usually require any care or attention. Trees can be grown in full sun or partial shade and whilst they prefer a well-drained but moisture-retentive soil, they can also succeed in heavy clay and very chalky soils. Many varieties are also very tolerant to windy conditions, making them a good choice for coastal areas. Hawthorn trees are supplied bare-rooted and will be approximately 1.2-1.5m (4-5ft) high (including the root system) on despatch. Trees are available from late November to late April.
Don't forget to include tree stakes and ties on your order. All young fruit trees require staking and for better establishment we strongly advise using Rootgrow when planting (as recommended in RHS planting guidelines).